How To Attract Quality People

Episode 120 October 22, 2024 00:30:31
How To Attract Quality People
Let's Be Diverse: Solutions for HR Leaders, Managers and the Workforce
How To Attract Quality People

Oct 22 2024 | 00:30:31


Hosted By

Andrew Stoute

Show Notes

Andrew chats with Rebecca Schocker about how we can connect with others on a deeper level, and how it can create great lasting impressions that can lead to new professional and personal relationships.

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Hi, I’m Andrew Stoute, host of Let’s Be Diverse, an HR podcast where I share motivational posts, insights on HR and leadership topics, and personal anecdotes. As an empathetic and innovative HR professional, my goal is to inspire like-minded individuals who believe that the workplace should be a safe place to succeed and grow. Together, let’s explore different perspectives and create meaningful conversations

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Opinions expressed in this episode are personal. They do not necessarily reflect the views of this streaming platform. [00:00:09] Speaker B: Good day, everyone. Welcome to another edition of let's be diverse. I am your host, Andrew Stout. This episode is dedicated to all my loved ones who have supported me through this journey. Today we're going to be talking about how to attract quality people, and I'm going to go a little bit in depth to this today. So let's say in the workplace. But I also want to go a little bit in our personal life because we all talk about work life balance, which, as you know, and all you listeners that have listened to past episodes, I'm not a firm believer in work life balance because I feel like you can't take your work with you home and you can't take your home with you to work. So I usually say workplace harmony is usually what I usually say. It's so excited to delve into this conversation today, and my guest to help us navigate through this is Rebecca Shocker. Welcome to the show, Rebecca. I am so thrilled to have you on here today. [00:01:06] Speaker C: Thank you, Andrew. I'm finally that we're finally, or I'm excited that we're finally making this happen. Right? Like, we're here. We made it. [00:01:14] Speaker B: Absolutely. [00:01:14] Speaker C: Thank you. It's an honor. [00:01:16] Speaker B: We always say that patience, or they say that saying, patience is a virtue. So you gotta be patient when you know, when you know that good things are coming. And I like to schedule stuff ahead of time as far as the episodes and my guests. So I kept looking at my calendar and kept seeing, oh, it's coming up. It's coming up. And then a few weeks ago, I was like, oh, man, it's around the corner. And that's when I reached out to you to start talking about topics. So that's when I started to get really excited about it. So I'm glad to hear. Glad that you're finally here. Why don't we start off, like, how are things with you? What's new? What's going on? Give us the deets. Tell us what's happening in Rebecca's world. [00:01:55] Speaker C: Honestly, my world's a little mellow, which is how I like it. So working on the business, you know, changing lives the best way that I can, being a mom, enjoying summer, trying to get out into nature, taking advantage of the mountains, the water, going to the beach, you know, when I can. So, yeah, like, that's really what it's going on. Like, not a ton of excitement, but it's. It's busy with kids out of school. [00:02:29] Speaker B: Well, it sounds exciting to me. I mean, beach. I mean, you said the key word right there to me. Beach. Like, who doesn't love the beach? I mean, I could probably go to the beach every day if I had the opportunity. For sure. I could live at the beach. I'm. I've always said that I could live in a little hut on the beach and sell t shirts and stuff like that would. You know, that's, like. That's the life. But we could always dream, right? [00:02:53] Speaker C: Because you're an empath. And so the ocean, it's a. It's a cleansing process for people. It helps us process our emotions. In your water, right? [00:03:02] Speaker B: Oh, for sure. I even love the water. I have a sound machine that I listen to at night to fall asleep, and it's just a waves. And I will tell you, I won't lie. I put it on, maybe, and five minutes, I'm. I'm out like a light. Like, it just that sound, that relaxing sound of hearing the waves hitting the dock and the ocean and. Love that out cold. So I'm glad to hear that things are going well. I love that you're spending time with the kids and the beach and. And that I'm anxious. I'm sure you're anxious for them to head back into school so that you can have a little bit more mom time as well. But, yeah, you got to enjoy the summer when you can with them and. And do, because it goes so. Goes by so fast, so it really does. [00:03:55] Speaker C: It's hard to work from home when the kids are home. I'm not gonna lie, but I bet we make the most of it. [00:04:02] Speaker B: Well, I'm glad to hear things are going well. Before we get into the meat and bones of the conversation today, I always have a fun, thought provoking question to ask my guests to get things going. Are you ready for yours, Rebecca? [00:04:16] Speaker C: Absolutely. [00:04:18] Speaker B: So your question is, if you could have a lifetime supply of anything, what would it be and why? [00:04:28] Speaker C: Ooh, a lifetime supply. It would be joy. It would be joy. Always, always going to choose joy. And why? Because who doesn't want to feel joyous? Who doesn't want that feeling to always just feel joy? Feel happiness. No matter what life throws at you, you know that you can be joyful. [00:04:54] Speaker B: I just love it. Whenever I ask these questions, I never know what's going to. What's going to come from the guests. So, you know, you're thinking, like, an item or something. Something, you know, something that someone would buy regularly. But I just love that answer. I think we don't have a lot of joy in our lives. And if you can have ultimate joy all the time, I agree with you. I would take that in a heartbeat, for sure. [00:05:19] Speaker C: Yeah. Who wouldn't want that? [00:05:21] Speaker B: I can't think of anybody that wouldn't. I can't think of anybody wouldn't. [00:05:27] Speaker C: Right. [00:05:28] Speaker B: Well, thanks so much for having fun with me, and I just love that answer. I appreciate you having being so quick on that answer. Why don't we start with you telling us a little bit about you, your story, and your why. [00:05:45] Speaker C: Sure. So I'll just start with the basics of what I do, and then I'll tell you why. So I'm in the business of changing lives, and the modality that I use is mindset. And I've really taken a strong focus with the subconscious mind because I believe that's how we make real, lasting change. And I dived really, really deep into the subconscious mind about seven years ago when I was trying to figure myself out. I wanted to understand myself fully, and that really caused me to go down a rabbit hole of figuring out my conscious mind versus my subconscious mind, so really trying to develop that self mastery. And I have lived in Utah for 20 years. I came here to the University of Utah on a full academic scholarship, and I wasn't going to pass that by because I'm like, I'm getting my school paid for. So I moved to Utah and finished school. You know, I did the whole, I mean, I met someone, I got married, had kids, finished school, and kind of went down that path of mostly being a stay at home mom. And at that time, I did get my real estate license about a month before I was graduating from the U. And I got into real estate, you know, only seeing dollar signs. And I thought, oh, I can make money, but my heart was never in it. And so I basically was raising kids, being a stay at home mom, and selling a few houses a year just on the side as gravy, which I'm very blessed and fortunate that I had that opportunity to stay home and raise my children, which I think is the most important job and around, you know, like, I had a really good marriage. I guess I'll just be transparent. I had a really good marriage. Everything. You know, I thought I had the life from the outside, looking in, picture perfect house, family, loving husband, vacations, whatever I wanted, right? But there was always this feeling inside of me of emptiness and started when I was about 17, and I could never really figure out what it was. You know, a lot of people speculated my sister thought it was church and God, and I'm not a religious person. Spiritual, yes, but not religious. So that didn't satisfy me. Right. Anyway, had this feeling of, like I wanted something more for my life. I wanted. I knew there was more. I had more potential. I loved being a mom, and this has kind of been my story. I loved being a mom. I still love being a mom. Loved being a wife and just playing that role of being a wife. But I neglected myself, and I didn't know what Rebecca needed. So my story took a different turn, and it caused me to, you know, after searching and kind of really going deep within myself, it ultimately ended up in divorce, because I knew at this point, in order for me to grow, that I had to leave the marriage. And it wasn't a bad marriage. I mean, obviously, every marriage has issues. We had a few things that I ignored, but I knew that I had outgrown my flower pot. So divorced, here I am now, a single mom, four kids. Don't love real estate. Don't know what I'm gonna do. Know that I need to make some money, need to make an impact, need to find my purpose. I was actually sitting in an open house one day, and I came across this YouTube video about becoming a health coach. Like, a bell went off, and I was like, uh huh. This is it. This is what I'm gonna do. So I invested thousands of dollars right then and there on the spot. And I knew it made sense, because in my first year of college, Andrew, I wanted to be a life coach. But here I was, like, early twenties, and I was like, I don't have enough life experience. So basically, I went out and gave myself a ton of experience, had all these different adventures, relationships, and really, when that light went off of catching that video, I realized this is what I want to do. So I created my own coaching business, and I started out with fitness, and because I'm passionate about health, and I started coaching women, and I realized very, very quickly that there was so much more to teaching weight loss and how to be in shape than just exercising and eating healthy. I really focused on the mind and the mindset, and so I kind of broke away from fitness coaching. I only coached a few women in fitness, but I started focusing heavily on mindset. And then I picked up my first male client, and we did life coaching. And then from there, it kind of trickled down, and the men kept showing up. So I tried to resist it for such a long time. I was like, I don't want to work with men like that was never my plan, but finally, I was like, just embrace it, Rebecca. This is what you're good at. You're good men. You're comfortable speaking to men. You speak boy. Like, all my friends have always been male. Like, I've just always been a guys girl, and I just went with it. And so, where we're at today is, I've had my business for almost seven years, and I do personal development, life and mindset, coaching, helping people work on themselves, the relationship that they have with themselves so they can have better relationships with others, and to really build that inner self confidence and that self love and that self acceptance. [00:11:31] Speaker B: Wow. So many things I want to pack in there. First of all, you talked about your pet, your. Your kids. I always talk about parents. There's different types of leadership to me. So there's leadership. Teachers are leaders. I got leaders in an organization. Coaches are leaders. And I would say your co worker that you sit beside, you're a leader to them. And I would go as far as, say, parents. Parents are leaders. Parents teach their kids, and they mold their kids into the individuals that they want them to be and hope that everything turns out that way as they get older. But if you do a good job, there's a good chance that they're gonna end up being amazing individuals or the individuals that you'd like them to be. So, first off, hats off to you for the situation that you were in, to continue to be able to do that and not fall off and, you know, be, you know, fall into, like, you know, I can't do this, or what have you. You just decided, I'm gonna do it, which is amazing. The second thing I wanted to talk about is finding your purpose. I always talk about people getting into something that they love to do, and I admire that when someone finds something that they love to do, I admire the fact that when I'm hearing them talking about it, you could just hear it in their voice, the excitement and the joy that they have for what they do. And I can hear that in your voice, and I know that this is exactly what you are doing and what you. And what you love to do. There is no question that you're doing it, and you hate it. You love doing what you're doing, and that is super cool. So, those are two things that lit up at me as you were telling your story. [00:13:23] Speaker C: Well, thank you. I think it's, you know, everybody deserves to feel happiness and feel joy and to be comfortable with themselves, and there's nothing more gratifying than, you know, shining a light on someone so they can see their true potential. And I just love to build people up. I want to see everyone shine and be happy, and there's no reason to live a negative life or a miserable life. And so many people are caught, you know, and stuck in their own ways and a victim to their own mindset that it's like, there's no need for that. Like, I can teach you how to get out of that cycle. And it's. It's truly. It's humbling. And I'm honored that people trust me on the personal journey that it is that we go on. But I. I like it. I do. It's not easy, but I really do like helping people. And I love it when someone gets to that point and they. They get it. [00:14:25] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:14:25] Speaker C: They just get it. They caught the bug, is what I call it. [00:14:28] Speaker B: You deal with a lot of people. You get into the insides of what they're. What they're going through, what they're struggling. So what I want to know is, in your opinion, what's the most important strength or personality trait of a. Because we're talking about quality people. What is the. The most important strengths and person of, or personality traits of a quality person? [00:14:52] Speaker C: Hmm. The first one to mind would be self confidence. To me, that's the most attractive quality a person can have. And I'm not talking about fake, false self confidence, you know, not something that you wear on the sleeve. I'm talking about true inner self confidence that you know who you are and you accept who you are. Holy, good, bad, ugly, right, wrong. It doesn't matter that you accept yourself. You know, who you are. To me, that's a beautiful thing. [00:15:22] Speaker B: I love that. And that can go. When you. When you talk about that, it makes me think of both, like, personally and professionally, specifically, like, in a workplace, but specifically, a leader. A leader who has inner self confidence is huge because that everybody around them notices that and sees that, and then they just follow suit to that person. So I love that you said that. [00:15:49] Speaker C: Thank you. I think it's. It's not, you know, like, I don't have all the answers. Right? I think great leaders acknowledge that they don't have all the answers. But I'm willing to learn and I'm willing to be open minded, but I'm confident in enough that I know what I'm talking about for the most part, at least within myself. [00:16:10] Speaker B: How about that? [00:16:12] Speaker C: I own it. You gotta own it, right? Own who you are. [00:16:16] Speaker B: I agree. So, again, you deal with a lot of this in your work. So we know that people struggle with it. So how do we address situations where there is a struggle to find quality people? [00:16:35] Speaker C: Well, I will just talk personally. I think in personal relationships, if you're struggling to find quality people, I'm going to say check yourself. Are you a quality person? Are you living to your code that you've created for yourself? Are you showing up as that best version as you are you being all that you can be? And the same is going to happen in the workplace, too, because it's an energy output. Right. In the energy that you out, the output that you have, you're, you're more likely to attract people with that same level of energy and vibration. And so the basic fundamentals of this is you need to become the thing. Whatever you're seeking, you have to become the thing. [00:17:21] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:17:22] Speaker C: Personally and professionally. [00:17:24] Speaker B: Yeah, I agree. You say, and I love when you say check yourself, because if you were, you talked earlier about not being happy, if you're not happy in your personal life or professional life, then it's going to come out and other people are going to notice it, and you're going to be snappy, or you're going to be, you're not going to be patient, or you're not going to be willing to work with people because you just, you know, you just feel that your way is the right way and the only way. That's where things start to develop and problems start to occur. So I love checking yourself, realizing if there's something that's happening, understanding what it is before you can go ahead and move forward in any different or the many different areas that you need to go into. [00:18:21] Speaker C: Yeah, absolutely. Comes down to, like, your belief system and what you truly believe about yourself, about life, about others, and life will really match you to whatever you're putting out there. You'll get that back. So if you're judgmental, I would say you need to ask yourself why you're judgmental. Why is, why is that judgment showing up in the workplace? Why is it showing up in relationships? What is it about yourself that you need to maybe address? Not that, you know, really everything. Andrew comes back to the self. Just leave it that it all starts with you. Right. And if you can figure you out, I guarantee you'll be ten steps ahead of most people. And you can figure anyone out. But you got to understand yourself. [00:19:08] Speaker B: Being humble or humility has a lot to do with a lot to do with it, because there's a lot of people out there who they feel like they, they know how to do everything, or they feel like their answers are the correct way and there's no other way. Do you feel like being humble is key? [00:19:28] Speaker C: Yeah, I would say if people are like that and they feel like their way or the highway, I would say that's ego. They need to check their ego at the door. Right? That's all ego. And if we. If we really get specific with this, we got to come back to the one true thing of which we all are in source energy, is we're love. Right? And so if we can all operate from a level and a vibration of love, then we start to have empathy and compassion for others. We can't expect to have that for others if we don't have it for ourselves, for sure. [00:20:03] Speaker B: And I love that, but it's a buzzword. Everybody's using empathy. But it is so true that, you know, we need to have empathy for others and understand that people could be going through certain situations and. Or your boss could be going through a certain situation, and that's why they're acting a certain way. So. Totally, totally understand that. So, so in your opinion, what is. What do you think the future looks like when it comes to attracting good people? [00:20:30] Speaker C: Yeah, you know what? I actually think it looks really, really bright. And I think we're having more opportunity to be exposed to these very important topics, like emotional intelligence, bringing more awareness to the real work of what's needed and how we can start being that version of ourselves, how we can be quality individuals, how we can be of high value. And I think as we bring more awareness to that, whether that's through social media or our day to day interactions, I feel like it's just going to get better and better. And I feel like this is, this is the redirect that we needed as a collective to kind of set people. And we can say, thank you, Covid, for that. You know, like, people. People can see through the smoke now, and they want real, they want authentic, and they, people are more, I think, accepting and giving to realize that, hey, we all have stuff that we're going through, and they're more accepting. Right? And so as we talk about this and we bring light to it, I think it's going to become more and more common, especially in the workplace. Like a lot of more companies are starting to see the value and benefit of having coaches and how much that impacts not only the bottom line, but the business and the revenue profit. And, you know, how we can have a better product, how we can have a better service. It's all getting more light and attention. And I think the future is really headed in a good direction in regards to that. [00:22:05] Speaker B: I agree with you. I think people want more. I feel. So, as an example, when someone is applying for a job, yes. They want the salary. They want to make good money. They want to put food. They got to put food on the table. Prices are going up. You know, I get it, and companies get that, but they want more. They want to know what the atmosphere, what the environment is going to be like in the organization. They want to know how people are and are. You know, is there a lot of humility in the organization? There's a lot of humility with the, with the direct manager. Is there growth? Is there opportunity to grow within, within the company? Or am I just going to be stagnant staying there for 1015 years or until I retire? So these are things that people are looking for. So I. When you say want more, I think people want more. And then outside of work, yes, people want more. You talked about your. What you were going through and stuff in your story and that you felt like you wanted more. And I think people were. The more and more people that I talked to, that's what people are realizing, is that they want. They want more. They want more out of everything. [00:23:15] Speaker C: Yeah, I think it's. And it's maybe not necessarily more. I think we want transparency, and we want. We want to be seen, right. People want to be seen and valued, not just a number, not just another bot, not just another, you know, machine to. To help this company make millions or billions of dollars. People want to. I genuinely believe that people want to do good and they want to be recognized for their value. And I think it's so important that we treat people as people, as individuals and not as numbers, because it's. There are so many inauthentic people out there that are really just trying to get that next cell, and it really leaves a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths. Not attractive at all in any regard. [00:24:06] Speaker B: Absolutely. Rebecca, tell me about the three most influential people in your life and how they impacted you. [00:24:14] Speaker C: Yeah, so I thought about this when you asked me, and the first one that popped to my mind was my grandmother, and she's no longer with us on this earth plane, but I just, we had such a good relationship, and she was such an influential person in my life that we would write letters because she lives in another state, and we would always write to each other. And she was always encouraging me to go to school and really looking out for my best interest. And here I am, you know, a young teenager, not really knowing, you know, just always just grandma, you know, wanting this, but actually came across some of her letters just recently, and I was reading them, and I was like, oh, she really did want the best for me. And she knew. She knew, she knew me well, knew that some of the choices I was making at the time weren't the best, even though I was, you know, deep in it. But she was very influential. I will say books have been great inspiration for me. I love all things, personal development, spirituality, health, self mastery. Robin Sharma, his book, the 05:00 a.m. club, that totally transformed my life years ago when I read that and started adopting the 05:00 a.m. club, I love that very much. A huge influence in my life, just with the power of now, a new earth. I really love everything. As I said, spirituality, mindset, law of attraction, personal development. I love all of it. [00:25:50] Speaker B: I love everything that you said there. Especially what hit me is when you talk about your grandmother, it hit me, and it came to me because we have these influential people in our lives. For me, it was my late, you know, both my parents, but my late mom, she was a huge influence on me. And I would say both parents are, but she was, is a good part of who I am as an individual and as personally. She just puts instilled so many different things in me and just ways of thinking that I truly admire and I think about all the time. And when I talk about her, it's. I think about all those things all the time. So I love. I love that. [00:26:35] Speaker C: And we don't always realize it in the moment, you know, sometimes we don't realize what they're trying to do and the impact they do have. But I think if you get a good one like that, you gotta cherish it and value it. [00:26:46] Speaker B: Yeah, for sure. I was telling a story to somebody the other day that she would never figure out once I moved away that she would never figure out the time difference, because where I am, we never change our clocks, and she would never figure out the time difference. But so sometimes depending on the time of the year would be like 08:00 for her, and it would be 06:00 a.m. for me. And on a Saturday morning, and the phone ring, and it was her, and no, word of a lie, it was the same conversation all the time right from the beginning. Oh, did I wake you? And I'd say, yeah, but 06:00 in the morning, mom. And she'd say, okay. And then she start talking and then you just knew. Okay, well, I'm. I'm waking up. [00:27:28] Speaker C: I'm up. [00:27:29] Speaker B: I'm up now. I can't tell her. I'm gonna call her back. I'm just gonna give her her time to chat. So I was telling somebody other day that I would take an inspirational phone call from her in a heartbeat if I. If I could. So I'm sure it's the same way for your. For your grandmother. I'm sure you would take it as well. [00:27:50] Speaker C: Absolutely. Yeah. I hope my kids feel that way about me, Andrew. [00:27:54] Speaker B: Oh, I'm sure they will. From what you told me from. With all the stuff that you do with them, I'm absolutely positive that that's going to be the case for sure. [00:28:03] Speaker C: Just don't ask them now. Just ask them and tell you. Teenagers. [00:28:08] Speaker B: Any final thoughts today? [00:28:11] Speaker C: I would just say, you know, if you really are wanting the secret answer to life, I'm going to say, come back to yourself and invest in yourself. It is the most important work that anybody can do for themselves. Figure yourself out, heal your trauma, understand your mindset, and keep taking action. Like it doesn't matter if you don't have all the answers. Keep taking a step forward because you will never know unless you try. Who knows what life will give you? And so far, life has been very, very good to me. And I'm so blessed and grateful for all the opportunities and wonderful people that have just been so supportive, including you. [00:28:56] Speaker B: Well, I appreciate that. Those are kind words, and I do appreciate that. And I do appreciate you, Rebecca. And I want to take the time to thank you for coming on today. I know, as you mentioned, it was such a. I guess, scheduling wise, to try to get things organized, but we finally made it today. And I just love the fact that you just put such great messages out there and you're always so willing to speak to people and to help them wherever you can. And just, your messages are always so inspiring. And. And I just want to tell you that I'm grateful that we connected, and I'm grateful that you made the time for me to have this conversation with you today. So thank you. [00:29:41] Speaker C: Thank you. I'm grateful to be here, and I'm glad we connected, too. And, you know, I don't do anything if I don't want to do it. So I'm glad that we made it happen. [00:29:49] Speaker B: Wonderful. Well, on behalf of myself and my guest, Rebecca, I'd like to thank you all for listening today. And until next time, be safe. And remember, everybody, that if we all work together, we can accomplish anything you. [00:30:05] Speaker A: Have been listening to. Let's be diverse with Andrew Stout. To stay up to date with future content, hit subscribe.

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